The deep cut in my inner lips that required suturing
Contusions on my cut chin and look at the swollen lips and cheeks
The badly uneven slab that had caused me to trip
The rough edges are danger spots for walkers, especially the elderly
My forehead missed the edge of the kerb but my head hit it
My blood stains the slab even after a few days
The rough edges are danger spots for walkers, especially the elderly
My forehead missed the edge of the kerb but my head hit it
My blood stains the slab even after a few days
Dear All
I would like to record my deepest thanks to all who have shown your care and concern regarding my recent misadventure on 12 Sept, Sunday. You have either visited me, called and even texted me with your kind words and wishes for my speedy recovery.
When I fell headlong and landed flat faceward, I thought I was dead. I felt my soul leaving my body for a few seconds. I had tripped on an uneven perforated concrete slab at the car park and landed chin first and shoulder next. The slab had uneven and rough edges due to being run over numerous times by vehicles that had parked there and with the soil in between the holes depressed due to erosion and the harsh weather.
There was nothing I could grab to break my fall. The carpark lots of 206 and 205 were free of cars that morning. If there had been cars at the lot, I could have stopped my fall by holding to their sides. My forehead had missed the edge of a concrete kerb pavement by inches. I dread thinking of what would happen if my forehead had hit the sharp edge of the cement. Nevertheless, the top of my head did hit the edge of the kerb as there was tenderness and a bump on my crown.
My mouth hit the cold hard slab first and received the worst impact. But Allah is great. Lying on the slab for a few seconds and thinking whether God had taken my life, I tried to feel the ground. I managed to open my eyes and found my glasses intact on the bridge of my nose. They did not smash into my eyes. But there was blood on the glasses. I guess the blood from my mouth had splattered onto them. My vision was neither impaired nor blurred. That was good news for I knew instantly that my sight was not affected by the fall. I did not lose any consciousness and was aware of what had happened though my body was shaking and legs wobbly like jelly.
I covered my mouth as I saw blood stains on the concrete slab. I could feel my teeth were uneven. I flicked my tongue around the oral cavity and to my horror discovered that I had chipped some enamel. Fortunately there were no missing gaps in between the teeth except for some looseness and some incisors and canine being pushed backwards. I tried next to get up from my spread-eagle position while still carrying the plastic bags in my two hands. I had gone to the market to buy some food items for my guests who were visiting me later in the day for Hari Raya. Again I thanked Allah that the bottles I was carrying did not shatter and cut my wrists. But nothing had prepared me for my next discovery on living in harmony in Singapore.
I felt heavy while trying to upright myself because my hands and legs hurt and felt heavy like lead. All the while I was cupping my mouth as I felt warm red blood drip from my lips. An old Chinese man who was having his rest at the void deck, rushed towards my direction and asked, "Aunty, you ok?" I recognised him as I had bought a curry puff for him once. A young Chinese man squatted beside me and held me up together with the old man. The young man asked if I wanted to call my family members. They told me to calm down and take things slowly. To hear such words from strangers was truly comforting and touching. I grabbed my phone from my purse. With trembling hands I scrolled for my home number. The young man explained my situation to my hubby and requested for him to down. I managed to drag and heave myself up with the help of the men. Allahamdullilah my limbs did not suffer any fracture and I was able to walk aided by the men to the table stone under my block. They kept me company till the end.
An Indian couple came to my rescue next. They asked me if I wanted them to call for an ambulance. The wife immediately called as I signalled her to phone for 995. Talking was painful and my lips had doubled its size and turned outwards. The couple gave me their blackish-grey Adidas water tumbler for me to rinse my bloody mouth and clean away the blood on my hands. I spat out thick blood clots. Gosh! What worst could have happened, I wondered when I saw the blood clots land in the drain like pounded raspberries? The couple updated me that the ambulance would be on its way in five minutes. They too stayed although they were on their way somewhere.
A Malay housewife neared me and asked what had happened. I just managed to answer her in some sign language. Immediately she offered me her packet of tissue as I continued bleeding in my mouth, staining my pants, blouse and watch face. I had attracted a bit of a crowd by then at my own block. There were familiar and unfamiliar faces around me, all looking concern and offering me some form of comfort while I waited for my family members. It suddenly dawned into me of a topic I had taught my students - ‘Bonding.’ The HDB had introduced a policy in 1989 on ethnic integration where it puts a limit on the proportion of races in every neighbourhood and block. I realised what a beautiful place Singapore is. All races had come to my moments of need voluntarily without me asking them to render any form of assistance. My teaching had come alive for me and the integration policy had worked in my case.
By then, my hubby and sons were down looking shock at the sight of my bloody mouth. My son who had served in SCDF before checked my mouth and told me that the cut was deep and I probably would need some stitches in the inner lips. How right he was because the doctor at the A&E did suture me in the mouth. My husband was almost crying but he stood stoic and rushed up to get my IC. My sons hugged me while I became more teary. My mum rushed down with the maid too, looking daze and assured me that everything would be alright. .
When the ambulance came, the medic team whizzed me to the new Khoo Teck Huat Hospital with its siren on. My sons left in our car while my hubby hopped into the ambulance. I managed to thank all those who had come to help me before being wheeled into the ambulance. The medic monitored my vital signs and all were normal. In the A&E room, the doctor checked my body and ensured me that I did not suffer any broken bones. He sent me for a head x-ray to remove any doubts of fracture in the skull and the chin area. The report was negative. I was given tetanus and a painkiller jab. When the doctor told me that he had to stitch up my inner lips, I felt weak. But he did a quick job and it was not so painful after all. No pain is comparable to labour pain.
When my hubby heard that the doctor had requested for the head x-ray for me, he started calling my siblings. He was worried and feared the worst. I had upset my siblings' planned Raya outing and felt sorry for that. I too was not able to entertain Kaish's and Harith's family when they came down for Raya as I was still in the hospital. All in all I spent about five hours in the hospital. My siblings rescheduled their visiting plans and rushed down to see me and check on my condition. My family members waited for news at the hospital while I was placed in the observatory room. When reality finally sank in, I hyperventilated and was breathless. I had to be calmed down by the staff nurse.
I went for my dental appointment to check the status of my teeth on Monday morning. The dentist would only do the teeth work on 28 Sept as the wound and stitches in my mouth are still raw. I am not sure what they would do but I heard things like root canal if necessary. I hope my teeth would be saved and need no extraction.
As I sat to type this, my fingers, shoulders, knees, chin and teeth still ache. I have bruises all over my body and face. My lips still swell. But my heart does not ache. It is pumping and overflowing with happiness and joy. I am blessed to be surrounded by beautiful people who cared so much for me. What are some blue black marks, cuts and bruises you suffer when love and humanity override all physical pain you have?
Thank you to all and your prayers for my speedy recovery.
May Allah bless you and your family.
Azizah Bte Abdul Rahim and Family
Dear All
I would like to record my deepest thanks to all who have shown your care and concern regarding my recent misadventure on 12 Sept, Sunday. You have either visited me, called and even texted me with your kind words and wishes for my speedy recovery.
When I fell headlong and landed flat faceward, I thought I was dead. I felt my soul leaving my body for a few seconds. I had tripped on an uneven perforated concrete slab at the car park and landed chin first and shoulder next. The slab had uneven and rough edges due to being run over numerous times by vehicles that had parked there and with the soil in between the holes depressed due to erosion and the harsh weather.
There was nothing I could grab to break my fall. The carpark lots of 206 and 205 were free of cars that morning. If there had been cars at the lot, I could have stopped my fall by holding to their sides. My forehead had missed the edge of a concrete kerb pavement by inches. I dread thinking of what would happen if my forehead had hit the sharp edge of the cement. Nevertheless, the top of my head did hit the edge of the kerb as there was tenderness and a bump on my crown.
My mouth hit the cold hard slab first and received the worst impact. But Allah is great. Lying on the slab for a few seconds and thinking whether God had taken my life, I tried to feel the ground. I managed to open my eyes and found my glasses intact on the bridge of my nose. They did not smash into my eyes. But there was blood on the glasses. I guess the blood from my mouth had splattered onto them. My vision was neither impaired nor blurred. That was good news for I knew instantly that my sight was not affected by the fall. I did not lose any consciousness and was aware of what had happened though my body was shaking and legs wobbly like jelly.
I covered my mouth as I saw blood stains on the concrete slab. I could feel my teeth were uneven. I flicked my tongue around the oral cavity and to my horror discovered that I had chipped some enamel. Fortunately there were no missing gaps in between the teeth except for some looseness and some incisors and canine being pushed backwards. I tried next to get up from my spread-eagle position while still carrying the plastic bags in my two hands. I had gone to the market to buy some food items for my guests who were visiting me later in the day for Hari Raya. Again I thanked Allah that the bottles I was carrying did not shatter and cut my wrists. But nothing had prepared me for my next discovery on living in harmony in Singapore.
I felt heavy while trying to upright myself because my hands and legs hurt and felt heavy like lead. All the while I was cupping my mouth as I felt warm red blood drip from my lips. An old Chinese man who was having his rest at the void deck, rushed towards my direction and asked, "Aunty, you ok?" I recognised him as I had bought a curry puff for him once. A young Chinese man squatted beside me and held me up together with the old man. The young man asked if I wanted to call my family members. They told me to calm down and take things slowly. To hear such words from strangers was truly comforting and touching. I grabbed my phone from my purse. With trembling hands I scrolled for my home number. The young man explained my situation to my hubby and requested for him to down. I managed to drag and heave myself up with the help of the men. Allahamdullilah my limbs did not suffer any fracture and I was able to walk aided by the men to the table stone under my block. They kept me company till the end.
An Indian couple came to my rescue next. They asked me if I wanted them to call for an ambulance. The wife immediately called as I signalled her to phone for 995. Talking was painful and my lips had doubled its size and turned outwards. The couple gave me their blackish-grey Adidas water tumbler for me to rinse my bloody mouth and clean away the blood on my hands. I spat out thick blood clots. Gosh! What worst could have happened, I wondered when I saw the blood clots land in the drain like pounded raspberries? The couple updated me that the ambulance would be on its way in five minutes. They too stayed although they were on their way somewhere.
A Malay housewife neared me and asked what had happened. I just managed to answer her in some sign language. Immediately she offered me her packet of tissue as I continued bleeding in my mouth, staining my pants, blouse and watch face. I had attracted a bit of a crowd by then at my own block. There were familiar and unfamiliar faces around me, all looking concern and offering me some form of comfort while I waited for my family members. It suddenly dawned into me of a topic I had taught my students - ‘Bonding.’ The HDB had introduced a policy in 1989 on ethnic integration where it puts a limit on the proportion of races in every neighbourhood and block. I realised what a beautiful place Singapore is. All races had come to my moments of need voluntarily without me asking them to render any form of assistance. My teaching had come alive for me and the integration policy had worked in my case.
By then, my hubby and sons were down looking shock at the sight of my bloody mouth. My son who had served in SCDF before checked my mouth and told me that the cut was deep and I probably would need some stitches in the inner lips. How right he was because the doctor at the A&E did suture me in the mouth. My husband was almost crying but he stood stoic and rushed up to get my IC. My sons hugged me while I became more teary. My mum rushed down with the maid too, looking daze and assured me that everything would be alright. .
When the ambulance came, the medic team whizzed me to the new Khoo Teck Huat Hospital with its siren on. My sons left in our car while my hubby hopped into the ambulance. I managed to thank all those who had come to help me before being wheeled into the ambulance. The medic monitored my vital signs and all were normal. In the A&E room, the doctor checked my body and ensured me that I did not suffer any broken bones. He sent me for a head x-ray to remove any doubts of fracture in the skull and the chin area. The report was negative. I was given tetanus and a painkiller jab. When the doctor told me that he had to stitch up my inner lips, I felt weak. But he did a quick job and it was not so painful after all. No pain is comparable to labour pain.
When my hubby heard that the doctor had requested for the head x-ray for me, he started calling my siblings. He was worried and feared the worst. I had upset my siblings' planned Raya outing and felt sorry for that. I too was not able to entertain Kaish's and Harith's family when they came down for Raya as I was still in the hospital. All in all I spent about five hours in the hospital. My siblings rescheduled their visiting plans and rushed down to see me and check on my condition. My family members waited for news at the hospital while I was placed in the observatory room. When reality finally sank in, I hyperventilated and was breathless. I had to be calmed down by the staff nurse.
I went for my dental appointment to check the status of my teeth on Monday morning. The dentist would only do the teeth work on 28 Sept as the wound and stitches in my mouth are still raw. I am not sure what they would do but I heard things like root canal if necessary. I hope my teeth would be saved and need no extraction.
As I sat to type this, my fingers, shoulders, knees, chin and teeth still ache. I have bruises all over my body and face. My lips still swell. But my heart does not ache. It is pumping and overflowing with happiness and joy. I am blessed to be surrounded by beautiful people who cared so much for me. What are some blue black marks, cuts and bruises you suffer when love and humanity override all physical pain you have?
Thank you to all and your prayers for my speedy recovery.
May Allah bless you and your family.
Azizah Bte Abdul Rahim and Family
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