Wednesday, January 30, 2013



We are close, but they know their boundary

In my students' eyes I am their teacher. I impart knowledge and imbibe values at their impressionistic stage.

BUT...In my eyes, I am my students' student. They teach me a lot about life; struggles, resillience,  perseverance, pain, hunger, hopelessness, poverty, humility, simplicity, the courage in gambling the too many odds strewn on their young pathway and upholding of adults' responsibility in their small frame.

About life not found in the printed words or visual screen.

Life etched and locked in their heart and mind. Waiting for someone to unlock and share with them.  To let them know that HUMANITY is still exist and is out there


Living With Service


An apple bears 5-6 seeds each. How many apples will each seed bear? It's the whole tree; many apples, many more seeds and many many more trees.

The circle goes in a virtous cycle.  

Life isn't about finding yourself.

Life is about creating yourself.  

Life is about serving and giving.


NOW YOU SEE IT NOW YOU DON'T hanging a laundry
Before the extreme make over

After make over

Files all in order

More space to place worksheets

My conducive workstation

Teacher's Day Tea Session with the President of Spore

Flowers add colours to brighten the table

Family photos as a source of inspiration

Name hand engraved on teak wood

Awards and accolades


Did a major clean-up at my work station before school reopens. Unwanted files, papers, stationery and miscellaneous items parted ways with me. Some were thrown or recycled reluctantly while others received the same fate without me giving them a second thought.  

From a ‘junkyard corner’, now my place can earn the label as one of the tidiest areas in the staff room. I must give myself a pat on the back for the discipline and perseverance I had kept for this huge transformation. Just compare the before and the after pictures of my place to imagine how much has been cleared and removed.  

Now I must steel myself to keep the place as it is for the rest of the year.