Taking and recording of student's temperature
All fully garbed when orange alert was activated
Wiping the tip of a thermometer with an alcohol swab
Trendsetters for the masked face and plastic wear
A group of bank robbers?? No...staff on duty
Donning a protective gear for the temperature taking exercise
How do people catch swine flu?
•Flu is generally transmitted through the respiratory tract.
What Singapore is doing....
•May start implementing ‘No Visitor’ rule at all hospitals
•Encourage temp-taking at schools & all non health- care workplaces – markets, places of mass gatherings
•Temperature screening at border checkpoints
•Health-care workers wearing full personal protective equipment
•Quarantine for those who have travelled to Mexico
•Those who developed symptoms will be referred to Communicable Disease Centre
•Dedicate Ambulance Service 993 for such patients
•If you are sick, visit the doctor and tell them all your symptoms accurately.
•If you are coughing or sneezing,
•Keep your environment clean – do no spit, throw used tissue/masks into rubbish bins
temperature to be sent us
Temperature taking exercise has been carried out in schools. Staff and students have to to monitor their temperature with their own oral digital thermometer. Assembly talks and classroom lessons were conducted to bring the message of the seriousness of the H1N1 flu and how the students can be responsible for their own health.
In general, all the known pandemics and epidemics of influenza, which were accompanied by the appearance of new types of the virus, came from pigs. So, all the types of flu are actually 'swine'.
Influenza is an avian virus. The new types of human viruses appear when avian ones mix with those of the humans. Usually avian and human viruses are difficult to hybridize. So pigs are the interlink between the two, adding their own subtypes of influenza to the mix. While these animals suffer from their own types of flu, which usually don't transmit to humans, they are a favorable environment for hybridizing avian, human, and swine types of influenza. So, H1N1 we have faced is the hybrid of this kind.
How do people catch swine flu?
•Flu is generally transmitted through the respiratory tract.
•Droplets of infected body fluids may carry flu when people cough or sneeze.
Studies indicate that masks called N95 respirators, when properly used, filter germs from the breath and hamper the spread of flu.
•Neither contact with pigs nor eating pork has been linked to the spread of the flu.
•People usually get swine influenza from infected pigs.
•Still, health researchers are working to establish that the virus is spreading from person-to-person
•Neither contact with pigs nor eating pork has been linked to the spread of the flu.
•People usually get swine influenza from infected pigs.
•Still, health researchers are working to establish that the virus is spreading from person-to-person
What Singapore is doing....
•May start implementing ‘No Visitor’ rule at all hospitals
•Restrict inter-hospital movement of patients and health-care workers
•Set up flu clinics at 18 polyclinics
•Encourage temp-taking at schools & all non health- care workplaces – markets, places of mass gatherings
•Temperature screening at border checkpoints
•Consider closing of schools and suspension of public gathering & events
•Health-care workers wearing full personal protective equipment
•Quarantine for those who have travelled to Mexico
•Those who developed symptoms will be referred to Communicable Disease Centre
•Dedicate Ambulance Service 993 for such patients
What is YOUR role?
•Take note of your own health! Exercise, have adequate sleep, eat nutritious
•Take note of your own health! Exercise, have adequate sleep, eat nutritious
food, and keep physically active.
•If you are sick, visit the doctor and tell them all your symptoms accurately.
•If you are coughing or sneezing,
cover your nose and mouth.
Better still wear the mask!
Better still wear the mask!
•Avoid visiting patients in the hospitals! You do not know what germs are lurking
•Keep your environment clean – do no spit, throw used tissue/masks into rubbish bins
•If you’re sick – STAY AT HOME!
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