NDP - Remembering Dad
I am proud to be a Singaporean because my late father had a part to play in the nation building. Pak once served in the British Army, worked at a chemical factory when Jurong was transfromed from a swamp and was involved in the building of the Benjamin Sheares Bridge.
Pak’s strong sense of admiration for the government was evident as he witneseed the struggles Singapore had gone through and his pride to be a Singaprean never faded even till his death. Through Pak’s story telling I was able to learn how Singapore grew from infancy till adulthood, from a less developed to a developed nation and from a mere dot to an island whose voice is heard all over the world.
I learnt about how life was difficult back then for Pak when every cent counts and how discipline could change your life. My father, and his generation, and his previous generations had laboured hard to build Singapore to reach where it is now. My own children are enjoying the contributions made by Pak and his generation and the previous generations.
Should’nt I be proud to be a Singaporean then? You bet I am! ‘Majulah Singapura’ never ceases to make make my hair stand and my eyes beam with pride.
Happy 44th Birthday Singapore and Thank You Pak for the heritage you bequeathed us! I miss you.
Pak takes great pains in his personal outlook
Pak during his younger days
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