Sunday, March 20, 2011


Let's go with Alice and the Mad Hatters to her Wonderland

You are as bright as this balloon, Risha

The beauty and her work of beauty

The power of the hands that can sculpt things

A twist and a turn there for the perfect shape

It's easy Ma'am and the balloon won't burst easily!

Discussing the tea session amidst a rubbery atmosphere

The motif on my baju kurung is like the stem of the flowers

Kamilah, me and Norisha over a cuppa!

Don't sulk! Just get on with your work, will you?

I beg your pardon...I never promise you a balloon garden

Friends forever with balloons to keep company
More balloons will come your way, Mdm!
I had a great ballooning time with Risha and Kamilah


She does not need to huff nor puff like the evil wolf which hopes to bring down the brick house of the three little pigs.

Instead she pumps with the air pump and wrestles with the multi-coloured rubber. She gives it a twist, a pull and a yank there and knots it over to keep it in shape. The cylindrical rubbery millipede- shaped balloon transforms into a flower, a sword, a heart and a poodle at the mercy of her well-manicured fingers.
That's Norisha, our resident balloon sculptor. I did not know of this talent of hers until we had the opportunity to sit down and discuss a tea session we had to organise. While penning down some ideas, out came a stretched balloon which Risha manipulated and tortured into the shape of a sword. But, hey I am not that an ardent fan of the Pirates of the Caribbean nor Captain Hook appeals to me with his cold steel S-shaped hook hand.

With my crestfallen face staring right into her brown eyes, she pulled out two more coloured balloons and shaped them into a poodle, hoping that Clown Bozo's smile would hang on my face. I am not keen on a poodle either. With her deft fingers and some strength to boot, she sculptured more balloons effortlessly. She won me over finally with her stupendous gigantic flowers. I opted for a flower to bloom forever at my workstation. Too lazy to water it nor whisper sweet nothings to it every morning. At least I will keep the Aedes mozie away and be safe from Dengue.

More friends were distracted by the commotion at my table and Risha was complying at the demand of those around her for the balloon sculpture's masterpieces. Crash course on ballooning was held immediately.

Risha is multi-talented. Guess what else could she do? She had worked as a clown before, earning big money at making people laugh at her sadly painted face. Maintaining her poise and elegance, she roars and weaves her way on our tarmac roads with her 1000c bike. She jams the brakes with her killer stiletto shoes, melts her biker partners with her pair of well-eyelined charcoal black eyes and cocks her Transformer-like helmet at the change of the traffic light. She rides herself like a moving and graceful art piece on our expressways.

I still haven't fully discovered what other talent she is hiding in her sleeve. I am safe enough if she does not hide me in her sleeve.
May I have a teddy bear balloon next, Risha? You promise me that.

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