Sunday, November 23, 2008


The men standing tall and strong

Don't be mistaken. This cute chap is Yan's son

The girls with their special poses

With Diana Akhito- so Japanese looking

The Datins at their special corner

See how we love to take photos

Me and Sis Hafizah

The gathering of a woman conference

Table politics taking place

A conspiracy amongst the cousins

With aunties and sisters

Chatting away under the moonlight

Another group photo not to be missed

Cik Timah and her brother and sis-in-laws

Professor Jabbar and his PA Ngasirah

Nizar, Hanif and Hazim

Azam Shah with his sons

With Jelita, Azam Shah's wife

The circumcised boy is wearing green t-shirt

Now that the long holidays are here, it's time for many Muslim families to attend a long list of kenduris. Kenduris are special prayer sessions that always end with a very big feast!

There are kenduris for every occassion - death, birth, engagement, wedding, moving to a new house, after getting well from a serious illness, giving thanks, circumcision, going for the haj....

Last Saturday we attended two of such prayer sessions: one at my husband's nephew house- Azam Shan and Jelita. His son had just been circumcised and the kenduri was done as a thanks giving ceremony that everything had gone well with the surgery and the boy's recuperating stage had gone without a hitch .

When you attend such kenduris, you always take leave by 'salaming' or shaking hands with the host. The 'salaming' is always accompanied with a green packet as a thank you sign that you have been invited and as a small token of appreciation.

The next house we had to pay a visit was my cousin's house - Lin and Shap. They are both leaving for the holy city of Mecca to perform their haj.

It was like a family gathering out there because such kenduris allow many relatives to congregate at one place. Boy, when we meet there are sure a lot of things to talk amongst siblings, cousins, aunties and friends.

We wish Lin and Shap a smooth journey in performing thier month long haj.
May Allah Bless them and may we join in their footsteps soon. Amen.

1 comment:

Lily Ash Burn... said...

Assalamualaikum Mdm,

Whoa!! U have quite a number of siblings... I love family gatherings too...