Saturday, October 20, 2012


We share proudly our students' work here

A victory corner for a deserving win

My treasure trove of teaching materials
It's preppy day and back to college.

We are a sounding board to one another 

A borrowing corner. Amanda with my pearls

A bottle a day keeps the migraine away

Happy birthday Giles

Keeping healthy is important
All actions are impromptu but sincere 

A birthday celebration is welcome here

A modelling corner
Our craziest moments - tasting sourish jellies

Let's take a break and enjoy ourselves

A hug for you and me

An eye for an eye

A box of brownies for my young teachers

Bride-to-be and mummy-to-be corner too!


I mentor young teachers and they constantly seek advice from me on many areas - classroom management, teaching pedagogy, professional development, suitable courses to attend, balancing work and life harmony and also matters of the heart involving their loved ones.

They would come to my table and share with me their concern on anything and everything. Last Friday, a group of them was crowding and sharing with me about their coming baby and wedding plans. Like young school girls, they were giggling and laughing sharing their hopes and  plans with me. I feel so much like their mothers.

What else happens near my cubicle?  Sometimes there's a birthday celebration and a ruckus is created. Wishes are made and the cake is cut. Hand shakes and hugs are exchanged. Sometimes, someone will grab a chair and is all ready to break into tears.  Who says teaching is an easy job will be clobbered by me immediately. When such cases happen, I will offer my listening ear and a box of Kleenex.  A comforting wrap around the shoulders would do wonder to the person. I let the person pour out her floodgate of emotions before sharing my two cents worth of view.

My corner is also a place where a lot of teaching props are kept.  Whenever I need them, I will just fish out and bring them to class.  These props colour my lessons, making them memorable and authentic.  That is how I relate lessons to the students' daily lives and heighten the relevance of the lesson. We also congratulate students at my table and immortalise their victory and proudest moments with a photography session.

At other times, some one would want to take a photograph because we have dressed similarly or starkly different.  At times, my friends just want to share on a new purchase and would like to show me their new possession. Food is also what my young ones would ransack for at my table.  They have had home-prepared macaroni, nasi goreng, mee goreng, sandwiches, shepherd pie, biscuits and the life-saver Kit Kat.

What else has happened?  My place has become a hug corner where the young ones drop by  to give me a hug or ask a hug from me.  It's so wonderful truly to be wanted and appreciated that way. My table has become a congregation for us to do silly and stupid things behind the students so that we would not be caught red handed and be their laughing stock. We have made ourselves a fool by observing whose face was the ugliest upon sucking a very sourish sweet. Oh...but it was so much fun and hilarious.

My workstation has become a tonic drinking corner too where we down brands essence of chicken to keep our immune system up!  Too many MC is not too good because there would be a lot of catching up to be done. My station has also become a motivation corner where successes are celebrated and words to feed and nourish the passion in teaching are given generously.

Don't think that nothing serious never happens at my place.  It has been a place where we bounce ideas and plan what's good for the students and the staff.  Numerous discussions have taken place here on setting of exam papers, marking and running of school programmes. We have cried and fought for our students. Discussions on how to improve our students' performance and the exchange ideas on new strategies to stretch the potentials of our charges have taken place here too.

I love my corner.  It's big, warm and inviting.  You're welcome to pop in any time even if you do not know what to do there.  I will always give you some ideas to add more zest to your day!

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