Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Giant looking pipes and funnels spouting H2O

A burst water pipe?

Give that Peace sign to your mum who is waiting to drag you away

Colourful and striking colours to attract the kids

Another happy boy at the wet splash park

Mum and her side kick

Mum and her right arm lady

Mist of water envelops the arch

The space looking structures with 'aliens' hanging down from the poles

It was a nice cloudy that day

See the water coming out from the ground too

Slide too for added fun

For agility and balance
Enjoying the sound of water splashing down
A colourful backdrop behind us
Hear the horn blaring away?
So what are you waiting for? Bundle those kids here
Just soak in the water and fun

It's safe. The kids won't slip and fall on the rubber ground

A water haven on a hot day for the family

Run through and get wet

Mummy and daddy can keep an eye over their kids here


If you are at your wits end and do not know where to bring your kids out on a hot day, spare yourself of that 'head banging against the wall' punishment. Drag those screaming kids of yours and let the Splash Park at Sembawang Shopping Centre douse their anger, frustrations and tantrum for a therapeutic effect.

The Splash Park is located on the third floor of the shopping centre. Admission is free and the kids would be bowled over by the colours, structures and off course the wet experience of playing and running around water that spouts out from funny and colourful looking robotic shaped structures or getting drenched from bucketfuls of H2O pouring down their heads. Let them have fun and don't bother about them getting wet. Just bring some spare clothes for change and a towel to wipe them dry.

This heartland splash park is opened from 11am-2pm and 5pm-8pm in the evening. If you are wondering why it's not opened for the whole afternoon, it's because the kids would not want to be pulled back to go home after finding their 'water haven' on a third level story high concrete building. The afternoon closing hours would mean the mums or house husbands could call it "QUIT" after the morning day off at the H2O Park and go home to attend to other things.
It's tough I bet. Just check with my husband who had to get a crane to pull and tear me away from the park for dinner as the 'child in me had gone loose and astray' that evening while we were there.

Good Luck at getting your kids to go home!

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