Thursday, January 29, 2009


My buddy and best friend

Friends request your company often

That's Fahmy with the Bruce Lee's pose

Friends walk and stand beside YOU!

Bonding as one in each other's cultural costumes

Some friends want to remain mysterious and anonymous

A wonderful friend and a sister to me

Hosting a concert with a friend

You can meet friends everywhere...

Former students who are now my friends

New form of relationship as friends through motherhood

Car rally friends looking for a female officer

Friends paint colours to your day

Surrounded by the leaders of tomorrow

Let's spread our friendship to the rest of the world

Vince - a good friend of mine

My 24 hour friend and confidante

We've known each other for more than thirty years

Friends come in different ages

Having a bowl of time with friends

Time flies when you are with friends. Find Fahmy.

Friends who love anime and anything Japanese

Friends to fill our lonely moments

United We Stand. Divided We Fall

Friend from across the causeway

With a new found friend

Regardless of race, language or religion

Friends from outer space?

Celebrating with friends

Friends to while the night away

There are no strangers among our midst, just friends to say 'Hi'

Friends to give you support when the climbing gets tough

Friends to rock your sadness away


He who has a thousand friends has not a friend to spare,
And he who has one enemy will meet him everywhere.
Ali ibn-Abi-Talib, A Hundred Sayings (602 AD - 661 AD)

A Definition of Friendship
Friendship is the comfort, the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person having neither to weigh thoughts nor measure words, but pouring all right out just as they are, chaff and grain together, certain that a faithful friendly hand will take and sift them, keep what is worth keeping and, with a breath of comfort, blow the rest away.

There are no strangers you haven't met, only friends. How wonderful life would be if we are surrounded by friends and no strangers at all. Besides families, friends fill my world with their different colours, religions and culture. My friends and I bond and get along well, despite the difference in age and IT saviness that may keep us apart. The relationship we have is an amalgamation of beautiful and complex feelings, which may not often be described in words.
Defining a relationship is never easy, as there are so many facets to it. However we don't need a bunch of words to make us realize the deep meaning of friendship. As I get to know my friends longer, the bond just gets stronger with time; the trust between the two people grows and so does the attachment. This is the beauty of the relationship and is the essential meaning of friendship. Being friends means being there for each other at all times, whether it's good or bad. A friend needs to be very understanding and give each other the benefit of the doubt.

Searching for the meaning of friendship has always been a burning question. There's none that can give a perfect answer. However as soon as we meet our friends all these questions get answered automatically. The answer to what is the meaning of friendship lies within our hearts, because true friendship can only be felt, and not expressed. Something so pure and essential is not always visible to the eye, but is felt by the heart.

That is what I call as BONDING AS ONE!

1 comment:

Drechseln said...
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