Saturday, June 6, 2009


Our certificates of achievement

Our group presentation on facilitation skills

Some of the work we had to go thru....

Some stages of facilitation

Some personalities for facilitators - The Directors

A socializer as a facilitator - noisy and spontaneous

Challenges faced as a facilitator

Ricky Foo emphasising a point

That's Ricky facilitating the groups


Truly enjoyed this 2-day workshop whereby I got to learn on how to be an effective facilitator and acquiring skills needed to be a good facilitator. These skills and knowledge would come in handy when you are required to lead a team or facilitate group discussions.

Actually, we all facilitate teams and group all the times. We just need to get the members answer and clarify their own doubts and queries. Facilitation is just like playing tennis where most of the time you hit the ball back at the opponent's court when the ball flies to your section. As a facilitator, you don't provide the answers and solutions out of convenience, rather you elicit responses from the members and let them ponder and reflect on the issues or questions.

We were awarded with certificates at the end of the second day. Thanks Ricky Foo for doing a great job! If you know what I meant that is. For those who do not, he was serving the ball to our court every time we came up with questions for him to clarify.

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