Saturday, June 13, 2009


The Sec 4NT1 boys proudly displaying their NRIC

With this ID, I am now considered as a true Singapore citizen

This is an important document and should be guarded at al times

All about you can be obtained from your IC number

This document represents you as a Singaporean

Received a certificate on mentoring from my principal

Conducted a sexuality lesson with my friend, Lathika

Girls completing a survey after the sexuality talk

The topic for this talk was 'Must Break Ups Lead to Break Downs'

Organised an STI/AIDs talk by HPB for the students

Trained some councillours for the Student Leaders Vietnam Overseas Trip assembly presentation
With department colleagues on marking day

We had our breakfast together

Met my former student, Lakshmi at a course

Facilitated a focussed group discussion for Beginning Teachers at NIE


Things were moving at a whirl wind pace during the last two weeks of the school term. I survived amidst the numerous assembly programmes, workshops and courses I had to look into.
Just giving a pictorial presentation this time round. Shoulders and waist are aching after a lot of typing. Very poor ergonomics management. Must call my personal masseuse to ease away the pains and put back all those veins and muscles back to their original position.

I felt great after accomplishing all these for my students, staff and the new teachers who would journey into the teaching profession soon.

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