At the end of the session of the student profiling workshop
With Seetharaman to learn more on the multiple intelligences
Roped in the trainees too to join in the workshop
With the trainer and the trainees
Faezah, our new head of department
My humanities colleagues - geog teachers
Laptop is an essential technology during meetings
Welcoming Faezah to the Humanites Department
With the trainer and the trainees
Faezah, our new head of department
My humanities colleagues - geog teachers
Laptop is an essential technology during meetings
Welcoming Faezah to the Humanites Department
Najeeb bringing the BTs through R-P-A-O-R
As teachers, we are always on the lookout for ways to improve our teaching and enhance students' learning. One way of achieving that is through department meetings where academic excellence is on the table for discussion most of te time. The other is by attending workshops that would help us understand our students' learning styles better.
As teachers, we are always on the lookout for ways to improve our teaching and enhance students' learning. One way of achieving that is through department meetings where academic excellence is on the table for discussion most of te time. The other is by attending workshops that would help us understand our students' learning styles better.
Not to forget, we need to develop our young teachers professionally, so they are also exposed to tools and processes to help in thier teching efficacy. LC is an effective professional development tool in building reflective practioners. I invited Najeeb Hassan to lead our beginning teachers in Learning Circle. They would be involved in this project so what better way than to invite the 'serfu' in LC to brief our young and dynamic teachers. The project would give them an opportunity to work collaboratively, identify problems and solve them through the R-P-A-O-R cycle. Members need to take up the role of a critical friend and act as sounding board and give emotional support to one another. LC is powerful as it provides teachers with an avenue to reflect, question and generate interactions in order for them to lead positive changes in the classrooms.
Oh... you want to know what R-P-A-O-R stands for?
and Reflect again!
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